On this page, you can see the winners in the video category of Silk Cities International Competition. You can see the results of the photo category here.

Silk Cities international competition received submissions from 16 depicting 17 countries, in Asia, Europe, Americas and Africa. Click on the map to see them.

First Place: Liling Cui

The Village Above the Clouds
This project documents the simple and authentic pastoral life of Tibetan herdsmen villages based on Himalayan culture. Due to modern culture intervention, this simple and real way of life is slowly becoming a thing of the past. More and more young people are moving to the city to live. The local culture that evolved from Himalayan culture is slowly being lost. The majority of people are not aware of the need to preserve culture. Along with the abandoned houses, the herdsman's songs, the operas performed by the old entertainers, and some myths and stories were slowly lost. There are many people who choose to sell the yak and go to the city to buy a house for a more modern life, but some choose to stay because they cannot leave their yak.

Second Place: Soheil Goharipour, Hamed Goharipour and Zhila Pezeshkpoor

Souq of Passion: A World Cup Spectacle
“Souq of Passion: A World Cup Spectacle” documents 20 days of fieldwork in Doha during the 2022 FIFA World Cup, capturing the essence of fleeting and emotional encounters in the lively public life of Souq Waqif. Amidst the organizers’ attempts to commercialize Al Bidda Park into a temporary fan festival exclusively for ticket holders, Souq Waqif stood out as a place where structurally different populations met and coexisted, where inclusiveness and sociability were the defining characteristics of public life. Despite the absence of official FIFA- sponsored activities and giant monitors, fans instinctively gravitated towards the historic heart of Doha, claiming the bustling bazaar as their own gathering ground. Here, they freely interacted with one another, embracing the authentic World Cup spirit. With its rich cultural heritage, Souq Waqif became a spontaneous hub where the genuine sense of celebration found a home