
Delegates will need to register in advance. Accepted papers must have at least one registered author in order to be considered for the conference final programming and publication. All attendees and presenters must register and only registered authors/co-authors/attendees will receive a certificate. Late registrations are subject to availability of places only for attendees. Registration for authors and paper presenters will open after notifying authors of the outcomes of peer review feedback on submitted abstracts.

If you require an invitation letter to apply for the Schengen visa in order to attend the conference, please register early and leave enough time for operational procedures. After registration please contact our local colleague at Authors need to provide their paper submission number and title.

Registration deadline: 25th June 2019

Registration fees are as follows.

Registration fee
Academics & professionals
Local participants
Optional conference dinner



Practical information
Registration fee covers admission to all conference sessions and workshops, conference kit, printed participation certificate for the author/co-author or printed attendance certificate for the attendee, refreshments on 10th-12th July 2019 and two lunches, and guided City Reconstruction Walking Tour, Social Tour and. At least one co-author must register for each paper. Accepted papers with at least one registered co-author will be allocated a time slot for paper presentation. Only registered authors, co-authors and attendees will receive the certificate of participation and attendance.
Invitation letter for obtaining visa will be issued after the registration upon author/co-author/attendee’s request.
If you require an invitation letter to apply for the Schengen visa in order to attend the conference, you are advised to register early and leave enough time for operational procedures.
Refund policy: Participants who cancel their registration up to 15 days before the conference are entitled to a refund with a 15% admin charge. Participants who cancel their registration within 14 days to the conference are not entitled to a refund.
We endeavor to provide operational support for students based in developing countries whose papers are accepted but are unable to attend because of visa issues. Registration fee will not be affected:
  • In case of difficulties for online registration and payment, please contact us soon to discuss other payment options.
  • If you encounter difficulties for obtaining a Schengen visa and are unable to attend in-person, contact us on email as soon as possible for exploring possible bespoke arrangements.


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