Partnership opportunities

Silk Cities international conferences are excellent opportunities to grow your organisation’s outreach, become more approachable, showcase your activities and benefit from engaging with diverse international experts working on multiple aspects of the subject matter.

Silk Cities welcomes financial partnerships to introduce student conference grant scheme for students from low and middle income countries, as well as offering forward-looking organisations an international platform to present their impactful projects and activities aligned with the conference aim. Student conference grant scheme will be introduced only upon securing required sponsorship and half of all sponsorship packages will be dedicated to this scheme.

Turquoise, Fire Opal and Jade packages offer levels of engagement, brand awareness and contribution. They all include logo placement in conference website and printed conference material such as programme, posters, other visual media, as well as acknowledgments in conference publication. Amethyst individual grant support is designed for individuals who would like to support students from low/middle income countries with accepted presentations to attend the conference and benefit from their active participation.


Turquoise package offers a maximum level of engagement and exposure for your organisation’s brand. You will be helping us to set up a student grant scheme which will be in your name. You will also sit on the grant decision committee to select grant winners who will be awarded their conference registration and travel costs. As the Turquoise sponsor of the event, the logo of your organisation will appear on the main Silk Cities homepage and there will be an opportunity of presenting your project as a part of Urban Talk series. Additionally, there will be logo placement on all the conference website and printed materials, such as the programme booklet, posters, other visual media and acknowledgments. You also will have the opportunity to suggest a panel or a special session as part of the conference programme to fully engage with participants, complemented with three delegate passes.


The Fire Opal package offers opportunities to present your brand and showcase your work to a diverse audience of experts and researchers from around the world. This package offers two delegate passes with opportunities to speak at the event and present project or activity, as well as logo placement on the conference website and printed materials such as the programme booklet, posters, other visual media and acknowledgments. Additionally, there will be an opportunity to engage in the conference programming.


The Jade package will help you increase visibility and brand recognition of your organisation and raise awareness about its activities at global stage, thereby enhancing your organisation’s position in the global knowledge and practical advancements in the field. The package offers a delegate pass with speaking opportunity. It includes logo placement in all conference website and printed conference material such as programme, posters, other visual media and acknowledgments.


The Amethyst student grant support allows you to take advantage of the chance to support the student travel grant scheme to support students from low and middle income countries to cover the costs associated with their conference participation partially or fully. You will have the opportunity to chair or moderate a session and will be acknowledged in the conference sponsor’s webpage. The Grant winners will be selected via a grant committee.

Sponsorship opportunities Turquoise Fire opal Jade Amethyst
Logo placement on the homepage of Silk Cities until 6 months after the conference
Student grant scheme in the name of organisational sponsor(s)
Logo placement in conference website
Logo placement in printed conference material
Acknowledged in the conference sponsorship webpage and printed acknowledgements
Opportunity to engage in the conference programming and suggest a special session, panel discussion or an activity
Delegate pass with speaking opportunity in a panel or individually 3 2 1 -
Opportunity to chair or moderate a session
Urban Talk opportunity (
Partner’s contribution 6500 £
3500 £ 2000 £
500 £
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